
Sunday, 15 April 2012

Featured Entrepreneur Interview - Samuel Uduma/ CEO of ChargeBox Nigeria Limited

I would like to introduce you to my first featured entrepreneur . . .  Sam Uduma, MD and CEO of ChargeBox Ltd Nigeria.

CEO ChargeBox Ltd

His business caught my attention a few weeks ago and I absolutely loved the idea so am pleased to share with you our interview!

Ask her about ChargeBox!


· Tell us a little about yourself, your background

I am Samuel Uduma, 26 yrs of age, the First of 2 boys, from a township called Ohafia, Abia State. Engineering degree from Uni of Nottingham with a masters in Telecoms from Uni of Bristol. Friends call me SuperGeek. 

· What is your business and what do you do?

Primarily, I’d say I am a technology enthusiast and my business centers around incubation of Technology solutions - taking them from "proof of concept" stage to "implementation". This enthusiasm has led me to creating a company Chargebox Nigeria on which an innovative, unique solution - ChargeBox Kiosks have been launched.

· When did you start the business?

ChargeBox Nigeria was officially incorporated in Sept, 2011. However the qualification of the solution and evaluation of its viability began about a year before that. 

· How did you get the idea for this?

Not surprisingly, the idea was born out of a related need at the time. I had gone to visit my girlfriend in London, where she was lodging at an airport hotel en route U.S.A. In typical character, I had left my mobile phone charger at home and my BB battery was giving me the red stare. I spotted this contraption in the hotel which said "charge your phone here". Using it was extremely easy, convenient and secure so I had the Eureka moment and started making moves to bring Chargebox to naija. Obtained exclusivity rights to deploy and run Chargebox kiosks in West Africa and the rest is....

· What were the biggest startup challenges?

As an employee of another telecoms leader - Ericsson UK, it was near impossible to find the time to do all that was required to make Chargebox Nigeria a reality. It also didn't help that the UK govt were taking all my money through a legalized form of extortion - Tax!!

· How did you overcome those challenges?

I brought in like minded partners, gave them vested interests in the company and utilized their skills & networks to develop what is today known as Chargebox Nigeria

· What makes your business unique, what’s your “unique selling point”?

I think I’ve given this away already - Accessibility, Use-ability, convenience and security.

· In one word, characterize your life as an entrepreneur.


· What do you feel is the major difference between entrepreneurs and those who work for someone else?

Job Seriously though, having worked for someone else, I can say there are very close synergies between the employed and self employed. For one, measurements of success and failure are closely related, the difference being in the case of the latter, the entrepreneur could face more sever consequences like bankruptcy and even jail time o_O.

· What do you think it takes to become a successful entrepreneur?

I won’t know for sure yet lol... however; i think dedication and vision will set you on the right path. It doesnt hurt to have the right partners as well, God being numero uno.

· What would you say are the top three skills needed to be a successful entrepreneur?

This is a tricky one as i've seen hugely successful "skill-less" entrepreneurs ( In terms of skill, the more adept you are at convincing people about the usefulness of your product/service, the better chance you have at making it work. So in a nutshell, Sales skill is key.

· What would you say to someone considering starting their own business?

Don't do it!!!! Lol, just joking. i'd say to someone with such ambition, the mere thought of starting their business shows they have the right building blocks, however, not only the blocks make a house habitable. They need to measure the risk on a scale of 0-100% certainty and continually de-risk the business in their minds until the scale tips over 50% risky. The moment you feel the likelihood of reward for your business outweighs the risk of failure then go for it Hammer and tons! P.S ALWAYS HAVE A FALLBACK!!!!

· What was your greatest fear in starting a business? How did you manage that fear?

Fear of failure. I wont necessary say that fear is completely gone as the business is not as successful as i want it to be yet. Now i must stress it is completely human to not want to fail but the fear of failure is an innately cancerous thing to have, failure isnt always bad when controlled as there's always a valuable lesson to learn - this is the way i have taught myself to manage that fear.

· What would say are the five key elements for starting and running a successful business?

God first, respect for people, know your product/service, know your market, and work relentlessly.

· What inspires you?

A ton! I am inspired by certain people in my life, inspired by the state of affairs in my country, inspired by that fear of, inspired by the magnitude of what i can achieve etc etc... As you can see, doesn't take much to inspire me :-)

· If you were conducting this interview, what question would you ask yourself, and what would the answer be?

Now I’m doing your job for you, i hope i'm getting paid! Ok seriously, i would ask myself - If you could do anything differently in retrospect what would it be? My answer - NOTHING!

Thanks for your time :) 

ChargeBox Kiosk at SilverBird, Lagos

Don't Forget to Share!!!

Friday, 13 April 2012

Next TDFoundation OutReach - April 14th 2012


DATE: 14th APRIL, 2012                              TIME: 1-5 PM
LOCATION: UKE  VILLAGE (Masaka Area)        

Mathew 25: 34-36
34       Then the King will say to those on His right hand, 'Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world:
35       for I was hungry and you gave Me food; I was thirsty and you gave Me drink; I was a stranger and you took Me in;
36       was naked and you clothed Me; I was sick and you visited Me; I was in prison and you came to Me.'

Our next outreach is to Uke village, we  will be taking food, clothing and the good news of the gospel, we will be providing free medical consultation, free blood pressure screening, free medication and counselling for all that come. Please be a part of this good work, ask your friends and neighbours to donate old/new clothes and food. We are blessed to be a blessing. Please contact Tunde Dada on 0803 499 7181 or email  to donatemoney, food, old/new clothes, medication and your time n skills. You shall surely be blessed as you do so.

1st John 3:17-18 But whoever has this world's goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

18 My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth.

Monday, 9 April 2012

Note to Parents . . .

We need to teach our daughters the DIFFERENCE between:--

A man who flatters her and a man who compliments her;

A man who spends money on her and a man who invests in her;

A man who views her as a property and a man who views her properly;

A man who lusts after her and a man who loves her;

A man who believes he is GOD'S gift to women and a man who remembers a woman was GOD'S gift to man;


****I didn't write this, just came across it and thot I'd share.****

Grooming for Men

Disclaimer: This is just my own personal opinion, as a man u don’t have to follow this but I am sure there are definitely some women out there that wouldn’t mind if their man took on some of these tips.

Trim nose hair please....

Keep your lips moisturized. Lip balm and Chap Stick was not just made for women. There is nothing less attractive than a man with dry, crusty, ashy white lips talking to you and God forbid he trys to kiss you with that situation going on.

Take care of the pits. Now you don’t have to shave it all off but at least shave off enough so that your deodorant can be most effective J

Now I personally am not a fan of grizzly hairy men but some women don’t mind. However if you are looking more like an angry werewolf you might wanna contemplate waxing your chest or back.

Aaaaah, Brazilian for men J I think most people know by now what a Brazilian wax consists of but guess what?! . . . .It is not just for women. Yes I do know it’s a bit painful but a glass of wine or some paracetamol 20 mins before should take care of that. Not only does it keep you fresher down there it’s been said that it provides a much friendlier environment for your partner.... or so I’ve been told. However, if that is too extreme for you a good ole razor will work.

Finger nails . . . CUT THEM!!! . . . I will never understand why men keep long nails. I don’t think any woman on the face of earth finds it attractive. Also for the sake of those of you that have partners please make sure they are short and smooth before engaging in any sort of “physical activity”. Trust me; your woman is most likely squirming and wriggling about from pain and discomfort more so than pleasure.

While you are now cutting your finger nails please do not forget to cut your toenails too, I mean how do you fit them into your closed shoes???

Oh, and I know some of you only lotion the parts of your body that you think is exposed, just keep your whole situation moisturized. It’s good for your skin. If you are in a hot country stick to baby lotion, it is nice and light ant won’t leave you feeling greasy. If you are in a cold and dry place try and use a more moisturising lotion like Jergens or Keri and when all else fails Vaseline will never fail you.

Ok, that’s it for now . . . .hopefully we can have a few more better groomed men around J

Friday, 6 April 2012

OmogeLepa T-Shirts now Available @ Celebrations in Abuja

For everyone in Abuja Nigeria make sure you go to CELEBRATIONS on Adetokunbo Ademola Cresent, Wuse 2 to pick up your OmogeLepa  Ladies and Men T-shirts.

Celebration Store

79 Adetokunbo Ademola Crst
Wuse 2, abuja

Monday, 2 April 2012

Featured Omoge for April 2012- Nkem Onwudiwe (SYMONE)

This month’s featured Omoge is New Media and PR Executive Nkem aka Symone!

Vibrant, sophisticated, dedicated and professional Symone is freelance a PR consultant based out of Lagos, Nigeria.

Previously, she worked full time as PR consultant to Mo Abudu (popular host of MNET’s first ever syndicated daily talk show  “Moments with Mo” ).
Since taking the big leap into the industry as a freelance consultant she states that she loves the fact that every day brings on new challenges and loves the challenges because they push her to be better.

“As a publicist, my clients are my primary priority. Every other thing is secondary.”

Her ever growing portfolio also includes The Debaters Season one and two and Naija Diamonds (a mini- documentary showcasing representatives of true Nigerian spirit). In addition, she has worked with celebrities such as popular DJ Xclusive, Waje, Nse Ikpe-Etim, MIMI (Big Brother Africa 3 Ex Housemate) and Chica (a talented young upcoming musician).

So, if you are in need of an excellent PR consultant in Nigeria feel free to contact Ms. Symone.
To find out more about her, please check out her website: SYMONEPR

Follow her on twitter @HRHSymone

Don’t Forget to Share!!! J

Daily Declarations

Happy New Month Folks!!!
Thought I would start off this month's first post with some positivity, so am sharing some statements that I like to go over every morning . . . well, most mornings just to help start my day off right and help me along my way of being a better person.
Enjoy :)

(There is creative power to the spoken word. And the Lord said “let there be light and there was light”}
·        I am in right standing with God.

·        I will not bow down to fear.

·        I can do whatever I need to do in life through Christ who strengthens me.

·        I promptly obey God.

·        I don’t make decisions based on my feelings.

·        I make decisions based on what I know is in line with the word of God.

·        God abundantly supplies all of my needs.

·        God loves me unconditionally, I do not need to qualify for His love.

·        I am difficult to offend.

·        I love people and I enjoy helping them.

·        I pursue peace with God, myself and others.

·        I am a disciplined and self controlled person.

·        I trust God completely and there is no need to worry.

·        I live in the present and not in the past and enjoy each moment.

·        I am content and emotionally stable.

·        I put God first in my life.

****My favorite one is that am difficult to really helps me to be less sensitive to negativity and people with a bad attitude or that are just having a bad day and want me to join them.****